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How to Generate AI-Driven Content for Your Website in 3 Easy Steps

Did you know that artificial intelligence (AI) can now generate compelling content for your website with just three simple steps? 

In a world where attention spans are dwindling, captivating your audience and boosting your online presence is more important than ever. 

Fortunately, the power of AI can revolutionize your content creation process and provide you with a steady stream of engaging material. 

Imagine having the ability to effortlessly produce quality content that consistently captivates your audience. With AI-driven content generation, this dream can become a reality. 

In this article, we will explore the basics of making good AI content. We’ll also look at:

  • AI tools that fit your business’s needs. 

  • Crucial tips for making your content sound human-written. 

  • How to use this website to drive your website traffic through the roof

Now, let’s learn how to leverage this incredible tool… even if it does steal some of my customers.

Step 1: Understanding the Basics of AI Writing

AI can’t help you if you use it improperly or have unrealistic expectations.

So, here are a few things to remember.

  • You’ll still need to do industry research.

  • You’ll need to proofread and fact-check your finished articles.

  • You must pay for quality AI services.

  • You’ll need to create A LOT of AI content.

You probably know that AI-driven content generation involves using artificial intelligence algorithms to create and produce content automatically. Similar to AI art, these programs scan existing articles and online resources to find information. However, they also use their own logic and built-in natural language processing functions to make the content more unique

Natural language processing (NLP), is a branch of AI that focuses on understanding and generating human language. NLP enables AI systems to comprehend and produce text that is indistinguishable from content written by humans. 

Or at least, that’s the goal.

Some AI content will get flagged as plagiarism if your AI writer is borrowing content from other web pages instead of assembling facts and writing its own content. This is why I always run AI content through a plagiarism checker.

Click here to read my short guide on how to properly use a plagiarism checker (there are a few things you need to watch out for).

More advanced AI writers can create content tailored to your specific audience and objectives. You just need to enter the location of your readers and provide a short description; similar to an ideal buyer profile.

You should also keep a close eye on your analytics when publishing AI content. Look for the following…

  • Increase or decrease in traffic.

  • Topic popularity.

  • Likes, shares, and comments.

This data-driven approach allows you to tailor your topics and individual content pieces so your ideal customers will find them more intriguing.

It’s also a good idea to look up what other blogs are posting about. Select their most popular ideas, combine them, and input the information into your IA writer. 

Not only will this style of content capture attention, but it will also drive engagement and ultimately convert visitors into loyal customers.

Just remember, it's the human touch that brings depth, emotion, and originality to your content. Plus, readers will often expect your blog (or videos if you’re doing a vlog) to have a specific personality.

Note: Some AI writers will repeat entire paragraphs or mess up basic grammar. I advise using a higher-quality AI writer to avoid these issues, but it will be more expensive.

Step 2: Choosing the Right AI Tools for Your Content Creation

Now that we've covered the basics of AI-driven content generation, it's time to explore the next crucial step: choosing the right AI tools for your content creation. 

If you have an employee you can pay to crank out AI content several hours a day, you’ll have a different set of tools than if you’re writing thirty minutes every day by yourself.

To make your tool search a little easier, here’s a list of popular AI writers:

I’ll create another blog post in the future comparing these AI writing tools, but for now, I’m going to stick with showing you how to pick the perfect AI tools for your company.


The best AI services are usually more expensive. However, you can still find something fairly cheap, depending on how much content you need to create every month. Five to ten articles will be relatively cheap, and you’ll receive extra plan features.

Thirty to one hundred articles a month is a different story.


If you’ve got limited time you want an AI writing assistant that will write entire articles for you, not just paragraphs. Choose an AI program that can write quality content quickly with minimal editing. You may need to test several options before you find one that’s perfect for you. Thankfully, most copywriting/content writing AIs offer a free trial.


If you’re writing in English you’re good to go. Other languages can be a challenge. Make sure you do your research so you don’t waste time testing AI writing options that won’t accommodate the language your readers prefer.

Taking these three factors into account will make selecting your AI much less daunting. There are a plethora of tools available inside each of the companies I’ve recommended. During your free trial test out their different features and capabilities so you get a better understanding of what each tool is capable of. 

Remember to assess your specific requirements and goals. It can be tempting to get caught up in the wonders of AI and forget why you’re really there. Test each tool and ask yourself if it’s a practical solution to your marketing needs.

You should also think about the long-term effects of using AI in your copywriting or content writing. You don’t want the cost or time involved in creating AI content to interfere with the rest of your business.

If you find yourself struggling to make a decision, consider booking a consultation with me. I’ll help you figure out which AI is best suited for your needs. Maybe there are different marketing tools and strategies you need to implement before AI can be beneficial.

Step 3: Crafting Engaging and Impactful Content with AI

Now it’s time to craft your content. Here’s how to do it.

Title or Heading 1

Choose a title that incorporates your main keyword. Just type the keyword into the headline generator and you’ll get several title ideas. 

If you can’t decide which one is the best copy and paste them into a document. You can use the headlines you don’t choose as inspiration for other content in the future!

I also suggest putting the heading you like into the Google search bar. This can make researching keywords and subheadings easier.


Your AI writing assistant will create an outline based on your title or headline. Once the outline is created you can add any extra subheadings you want in the finished article. 

You can create the entire article using one tool if you prefer. Otherwise, you can create the title, outline, PAS introduction, and individual paragraphs using the individual tools provided by your AI company.

Body Text

I suggest creating your article using a writer’s block assistant tool or by generating individual paragraphs. If you let the AI write ALL the content you could have duplicate paragraphs, worthless filler text, and grammar mistakes scattered throughout your project (which can add hours of editing to your workload).

Just remember to add in all the appropriate keywords so your articles are search engine optimized.

Tips for Enhancing Your AI-Generated Content

To enhance your AI-generated content and make it even more compelling, consider these tips:

1. Infuse your personal touch: add in phrases you use in day-to-day communication. Your speech style and sense of humor are part of what makes you unique. People often become attached to businesses that have likable staff and/or owners.

2. Focus on storytelling: If you’ve had an experience that illustrates the point you’re trying to make in your article, share it. Not only will it keep people engaged, but it will also help the information (and your business) stay in their memory longer.

3. Tailor the content to your audience: Are your readers looking for a down-to-earth writing style, or do they only trust articles written in a completely professional tone? Find out and alter your articles to meet your readers’ standards. Some AI gives you the option of choosing the tone of your content. Take advantage of this tool.

4. Use a grammar and spelling tool: Grammarly is the tool I use in my writing and I’d recommend it to anyone. This will make it easy for you to spot spelling and grammar mistakes without reading through your 2,000-word article five times.

5. Collect ideas from other websites and blogs: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; use your competitors’ content as inspiration. Take all the ideas from the top three blog posts and combine them into an ultimate guide. This isn’t plagiarism as long as you’re only gathering ideas, information, and keywords. NEVER copy the paragraphs from another website!

6. Re-write unnecessary content: Sometimes AI explains the obvious. For example, “You’ll need to call a car mechanic to fix your car because mechanics know about cars and your car won’t run if it needs to be fixed”, is way too much explanation. Just because you’re supposed to write online content at a 5th-grade level doesn’t mean your readers are stupid.

Leveraging AI-Driven Content to Boost Your Website's Success

It’s not enough to have good AI content and copy. You need to use it as a strategy to increase web traffic and sales.

Get High Ranking With Constant Posting

Keywords aren’t enough. If you really want to get to the top you need to become a topical authority (pun intended). The only way to do that is to write articles on every aspect of a particular topic. That’s why I publish so many articles on web design, email marketing, copywriting, and similar topics. 

I’m actually on a mission to start putting out one article every day. I’m not sure how long it will be before I accomplish that mission, so wish me luck.

Have Content to Send to Potential Customers

You can repurpose your blog posts and articles. Turn pieces of them into a newsletter or even short video scripts for TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube Shorts, etc. Pumping out large amounts of quality content can play a huge role in your business’s online success.

An Easy Book

Here me out on this one. Wouldn’t it be great to have a free ebook to offer in exchange for an email opt-in? It could also be something interesting to add to conversations when doing in-person networking. 

And, yes you could sell your ebook or turn it into a physical product.

After you publish 50+ blog posts you’ll have enough written material to create one or two books.

Make Connections With Other Websites

Let’s say you’re a fishing supply company. You could team up with a local fishing resort or fishing club to do a blog post promoting each other’s business. Not only is this a great opportunity to build backlinks, but it’s also a good way to foster goodwill between businesses in the same or similar industries.


In summary, by embracing AI-driven content while infusing it with your own creativity and understanding of your audience, you can achieve a balance that maximizes the strengths of both humans and machines. 

As long as you’re still willing to edit the finished articles, you’ll start creating content at lightning speed.

If you’re looking to outsource, Written With Design can generate content and marketing plans. Contact me and tell me how many projects you would need every month. I can create the material from scratch or take your AI content to the next level.

Contact me today or read another article.