How Often Should I Update My Blog?
In this blog post, I’m going to show you how to decide the number of blog posts you should write each month.
This is important because you want to put out enough content for your readers to be satisfied, but not so much content that you get overwhelmed. If you end up getting burned out, you'll be on a cycle of writing lots of blog posts then writing nothing for a month or more. You want to be consistent. Plus, Google and other search engines like websites that have content regularly added to them. If you update your blog enough, it can help your search engine ranking.
Also, if you ever need to hire someone to write blog content for you, that is one of the services I offer. If you prefer to do the writing yourself, here are three questions that will help you figure out how many times you should update your blog.
Who is your audience
How much work goes into each post
How much does your blog help you
Who Is Your Audience?
Who is your target audience? Are they going to need a lot of information that your blog can provide, or do they just need one or two articles addressing a particular topic?
You also need to remember that people don't have time to read a lot of blog posts these days. Most people are okay with one or two blog posts a week. When you start going over that amount, your readers may feel overloaded and start tuning you out.
How Much Work Goes into Each Post?
You also need to take into account how much effort you have to put into creating each blog post. I mentioned burnout a minute ago. It's a lot easier to burn out on writing 2000 word blog posts than it is writing a 500 or 800-word blog post. I've seen websites that do very well publishing 300-word blog posts.
That being said, certain topics require more research than others. If you have to read through several research papers and studies before you can write your blog post, you might want to consider posting once a week or every other week. If you're writing from your own experience and you can easily put out 500 words worth of content in just an hour or two, you probably won't burn out posting once or twice a week.
How Much Does Your Blog Help You?
Is your blog bringing in new customers, or is it more of an extra resource that existing customers occasionally use? If your blog is bringing in new customers, you should be updating it with new content every week. If your content isn't bringing in new customers but does help you retain existing customers, I would suggest adding new content every one or two weeks.
I went with a bi-weekly blog when I started Written With Design since most of my clients don't care about the fine details of copywriting. I use it as more of a portfolio, and occasionally my clients will browse through it to make sure that I know what I'm talking about before hiring me.
To wrap up this blog post, I'd like to end by reminding you that quality is more important than quantity. Make sure that your blog posts are offering good information. If you don't get that right, you'll be losing subscribers/readers left and right.