Be That Operator

I’m ashamed to admit it, but I was in tears.

You know that feeling you get when, just as you’re about to reach your goal, the rug gets pulled out from under your feet? Well, that’s where I was at.

I had been on the landline since 2:00 pm trying to get some help from my phone service carrier. Let’s just say I had made a mess of things and now had no service, and well, you could accurately say I got the royal run around. I got one operator, then another, was transferred to different departments, and given at least three different numbers to call over the course of five hours. Each time I got transferred I thought my search for help had come to an end, but alas I was wrong. I even had the line go dead while trying to set up a new account.

Finally, after all that, I was connected to an operator who walked me through the steps necessary to resolve the issue. I was ecstatic to finally get off the phone and felt the stress begin to slip away into the past.

My experience that day is very similar to that of many people when they get on the internet. Think about it; how many times have you hopped on the computer and ended up going to page after page, never finding what you need? It’s frustrating, (almost as frustrating as sitting on the phone for five hours) and it’s also the perfect business opportunity. Let me explain…

A person has been on the computer for almost an hour (that’s a long time in this case) just trying to find instructions on how to properly use their new flower press. With each new site they get more frustrated, but just as they’re ready to give up, they try one more search and this time they end up on a webpage that gives them exactly what they wanted. 

It’s kind of like the scene in a movie where the cavalry come charging in at the last second to save the day. The person’s frustration disappears and is replaced by a happy feeling of gratitude towards the website that solved their problem.

Now, let’s go back to your website. What’s going to make that difference and draw in more customers?

Make A Connection


 With so many companies and websites out there, you want to establish a good relationship with your customer by providing for their needs, but first you have to find out what those needs are. A great way to do this is to stalk your target market.

When I say that I of course don’t mean to track down your actual customers and stalk them (not only would that be creepy, but it’s a lawsuit waiting to happen). I’m talking about stalking a type of buyer.

For example, if your target market is “people in their forties who love to sew” then go where you'll find those kinds of people. There are lots of options: blogs, Facebook groups, podcasts, local clubs and craft fairs; wherever it is, your goal is to go there and listen to what they’re saying. 

What’s their lifestyle like? What new trends are they into and why? Listening here will help you get in your customer’s head and appeal to their needs and desires. Beyond that, you might really enjoy yourself and learn something new along the way.

Another great place to do target market stalking is through your own social media page. People want to feel connected and your social media page is a great place for that, pulse it’s much easier to read a post on Instagram or Facebook than it is to read your blog. 

Now that you have your information, it’s time to use it on behalf of your customers. 

Putting your customers first instead of yourself may sound kind of counterproductive, but trust me when I say it’s the only way to build a good buyer-seller relationship. People don’t want to feel like they're being sold, in fact they hate it. Business is supposed to be a mutually beneficial relationship: you get paid and your customer get’s their product. You help them by providing what they need.

You don’t need to reach all buyers, just the ones that will benefit from your business. A smaller group of regulars with some new customers coming in now and then is better than a very large group of people who show up once and then you never see them again. Work on being a problem solver and you will see results. 


The Happy Place


Attract The Burglars